
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our summer...

Aaron's last regular season baseball game was last night. His team won. He started as catcher and finished as pitcher. His team was 11-7 for the season. They ended in 3rd place!!!!!!
He has been invited to go to state with the Arvada team, as a pitcher. He is very excited. That tournament will be in Pueblo.
Emily has a game tonight and another tomorrow night. Her team is 5-3 so far. She has been catcher and playing infield positions.
Aadam and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary last week.
We are having a great summer. We planted a garden. We enjoy relaxing at home when we don't have a game or practice (which isn't very often ;).
We did have a sad time last week. Misty, our cat, went into kidney failure. Aaron and I took her to the vet for the last time. She was 16 years old. Her sister, Breezy, seems to be doing fine.

1 comment:

rose hanami said...

Way to go, Aaron. abd we wish Emily a win also NICE PICTUTES!!