
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween costumes

Aaron made "Emily's Candy Machine" on Thursday night. She came up with the idea on Wednesday. He did a great job, even making a slot for people to put the candy inside. They worked on it together. Emily was quite proud of her brother's work.
Aaron decided to be a Colorado Rockie - Tulo.
We had fun walking the neighborhood tonight. It was a great weather night.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin carving

Aaron's, Emily's 2, Sage's, Julie's, and mine.

Julie did a good job of carving the Colorado Avalanche symbol.

Aaron, Emily, and Sage carved pumpkins from my parents' garden.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October update

October brings about an end and some beginnings.

Aaron played his last baseball game of 2010 last weekend. His Fall team improved each week. They had a very close and fun last game.
Aaron's first band concert is this week. He is now in advanced band, playing the clarinet.

Emily is going strong with cheer leading.
She has started playing the recorder in music class.

We will be carving pumpkins from my dad's garden this weekend. Aaron, Emily and Sage have each chosen a pumpkin from his patch. Look for pictures next weekend.

October Track Meet

Aaron is running the 800. He placed 6th. He also placed 5th in the shot put.

Emily and friends are the opening cheer.