
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Aaron & Emily had a fantastic day. Emily stayed in her jammies ALL day.

It was a beautiful day.

Christmas breakfast was very yummy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Family tradition presentation

She did a great job.
Emily did a presentation on a family tradition. She chose Christmas breakfast. She showed a DVD that she and Daddy made. She also pretended to make monkey bread. We made the real thing this morning and Emily shared it with the class.

Talent Show

Emily loves the glittery eyes.
Purple is the 5th level for Emily.
Erin, Emily, and Gracie received their pom poms for the semester.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Decorating is complete

I love all of the lights. I enjoy sitting in the living room with just the Christmas lights on.

My nativity sets.
The kids decorate the tree. They put all the ornaments on. They talk about the special ones.
Aadam is showing the kids how to "light" the tree.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Aaron had the opportunity to be his school's mascot for Spirit Day.
The panther passes out candy to all students.
He is waiting to begin.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween costumes

Aaron made "Emily's Candy Machine" on Thursday night. She came up with the idea on Wednesday. He did a great job, even making a slot for people to put the candy inside. They worked on it together. Emily was quite proud of her brother's work.
Aaron decided to be a Colorado Rockie - Tulo.
We had fun walking the neighborhood tonight. It was a great weather night.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin carving

Aaron's, Emily's 2, Sage's, Julie's, and mine.

Julie did a good job of carving the Colorado Avalanche symbol.

Aaron, Emily, and Sage carved pumpkins from my parents' garden.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October update

October brings about an end and some beginnings.

Aaron played his last baseball game of 2010 last weekend. His Fall team improved each week. They had a very close and fun last game.
Aaron's first band concert is this week. He is now in advanced band, playing the clarinet.

Emily is going strong with cheer leading.
She has started playing the recorder in music class.

We will be carving pumpkins from my dad's garden this weekend. Aaron, Emily and Sage have each chosen a pumpkin from his patch. Look for pictures next weekend.

October Track Meet

Aaron is running the 800. He placed 6th. He also placed 5th in the shot put.

Emily and friends are the opening cheer.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Panther Scamper

The Panther Scamper is a one mile run at our school.
Aaron received 2nd place in his division.
Emily received first place in her division.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Seale Family Update

Aaron won his baseball game yesterday. He scored twice, hit an RBI, and pitched 3 strike outs. He was so happy!!!
Emily has started cheer leading again. She gets to be a flyer and is very excited about going in the air.
I am working every day as a substitute. I am only working at 4 close schools. I get to do a long term job at the kids' school for all of October.
Aadam's neck and shoulder is getting better.
Our solar panels are up. We are waiting for Xcel and Solar City to turn them on.
We hope you are having a fantastic September.

Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of School

Aaron and Emily started school today. This picture was right before we went to McDonald's for our annual breakfast. I am so proud of my children. I will love you guys forever!!!
What a handsome young man. 6th grade will be exciting. Outdoor lab is in January.
A beautiful young lady starting 3rd grade.
Emily's 3rd grade teacher.
Aaron's 6th grade teacher.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Beach day

Three moms and 10 kids headed to Bear Creek Beach today. We had a great time.
We plan to go back one more time before school starts. Can you believe the kids go back 2 weeks from tomorrow?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Emily!!!!

Emily and her iCarly cake.
Lots of cousins.
Emily and her desk.
We go out to dinner for birthday celebrations. Emily has chosen Cinzzettis. It is a very yummy choice. Tomorrow night we will have the big family celebration.

I can't believe Emily is 8 today. The time goes so fast. We love you!!!!
Emily wanted a desk for her birthday. She and I built the desk yesterday. She is so excited.

Gramsy's 84th

Gramsy turned 84 last week. We celebrated at Olive Garden.
Gramsy and her girls.