
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fishing Trip

The Cub scouts got to fish at a private lake today. It was a catch and release program. The CDOW provided fishing poles for each child. Emily was one of only 2 girls. All the kids caught MANY fish.
Emily is kissing one of the many fish she caught today.
Emily held a trout.
The trout that Aaron caught.
Emily is casting.
Aaron is casting.

Aaron's Skateboard camp

Aaron can do drop ins now.
He really enjoys skateboarding. He was in a 3 day class.
The last day was a field trip to the indoor skate park at the mall. He wants to go back.

Emily's swim camp

Emily had swim lessons for 2 weeks. She is not afraid to dive under water to retrieve toys.
She does wear goggles for underwater activity.
She loves slides now.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hudson Gardens

The kids had fun walking around the gardens.

Aaron enjoyed taking pictures.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Webelos Weekend

Aadam got to spend his weekend camping with Aaron. This is the 2nd year they went camping on Aadam's birthday.

Doug and Aadam are great at being camping dads.
Stacy is an awesome Den Leader. The boys have been with her for four years.
The entire Webelos group.