
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blizzard time

We are home today. School was cancelled.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dinner and tour with the firefighters

We were able to eat dinner with the firefighters from our local station.

We even drove around the block in the fire truck.
This was the crew. They did a great job!!!!!!

The kids got to climb on the tower truck.
Emily was excited about the drive. I did not get a picture of Aaron because he got to ride "shotgun."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring day

We had to take advantage of an unseasonably warm day!!!!!

Aaron loves to ride his bike.
Emily is almost ready to take off the training wheels.
Aadam was in charge of the camera so there is not a picture of him.
Our little monkey, just hanging around.
We are in for a major weather change tomorrow.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Denver Nuggets Game

Thank you Grandpa O'Connell, for getting us tickets!!!
Emily got to cheer at the Nuggets game.

Emily is right below the first light blue shirt.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

E I E I Oops

Emily had speaking parts as Mrs. Farmer in the Dell.
This was the 1st grade program. One of her GOOD friends is at the far left as Mrs. Old McDonald.

Aaron's research presentation

Aaron is acting as John Wesley Powell. He did a presentation at school after researching the one armed man.