
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

O'Connell Thanksgiving 2009

Aaron is taking after his Uncle Robb, not wanting his picture taken.

Bella has a piece of a roll in her mouth.
The turkey and potatoes were moved to the club house.
We celebrated on Sunday. It was yummy and fun.

Gracie & Lucca

Gracie turned 7 on the 6th. Lucca turned 2 on the 22nd.

Aaron's 1st Concert

Aaron is playing clarinet this year. His first concert was at the middle school. It involved 5 elementary schools.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Aaron, on the right, and his friend.
Emily wore the Chinese dress Grandpa Dan brought back from China.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

2nd Snow Day

We decided to carve pumpkins this morning. The pumpkins were grown in the Robinson garden.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

SNOW Day!!!

Can you believe Jeffco called a snow day in October. YEAH, it is now two snow days. The kids have been in their jammies ALL day. Thursday will be a day for playing outside and carving pumpkins. Back to school on Friday for Halloween parties.
This was the third round of shoveling.
You can see the depth on our new roof. Extreme storms seem to be the thing for 2009. In March we had a blizzard, in July we had tornado like winds and hail, and now a BIG snow storm.
I measured 12 inches in our grass.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mother/Son Fall Ball

I was the luckiest mom in the world last night. My son took me dancing. He is the GREATEST!!!!

We had yummy pasta for dinner.
We had mint chocolate brownies for dessert.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Track Meet

South Lakewood Elementary took 1st place at the track meet. It was a great day for running.
Aaron ran the anchor leg of the 800 Relay race.
His team came in 2nd place.

The Field Street runners. All 4 earned medals. Emily is not old enough to run.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Emily has finally lost her first tooth.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weekend in Idaho

The YMCA in Caldwell. Aaron, Susan, Emily, and Megan.
Susan and Emily
Aaron, Papa, and Nana. Emily was spending the night with her cousin.

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Aaron is in 5th Grade.
Emily is in 2nd Grade.
Aadam took them to school today. I have a long term sub job in a 2nd grade class, at a nearby school.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Emily!!!!

Emily is 7 today.

Happy Birthday Gramsy!!!!

Happy 83rd Gramsy. Her birthday was July 27.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Weekend at the "Resort"

We had a great time at our friends' mountain property.
Even Darby went for a short ride.
I was getting a lesson before our family 30 mile ride.
Emily rode with Daddy.
Aaron is on his own.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vacation Day 5

We had a fabulous vacation. We are now home. The kids' favorite part was Bear Country USA and Mt. Rushmore at night. They also enjoyed the water slides at our hotel. South Dakota is a great family spot.

Buffalo roaming in Custer State Park.
A tunnel that was made to frame Mt. Rushmore. We did see the faces. It is hard to see in this picture.
A baby bear asleep in a tree at Bear Country USA.
My family!!!
A bear inside Bear Country USA. There were MANY bears and other animals along the drive.
A lazy mountain goat in the middle of the road.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vacation Day 4

Tonight was the chuck wagon dinner. It was yummy.
Aaron got a wood carving lesson from the famous wood carver, Doug Ladd.
Emily rode a pony.
Aaron had a blast on the water slides today. We didn't see him most of the time.
The "Super Bowl" was our favorite.
One more day of fun to go. We are grateful for this week of fun.